Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Recently, bnt news has reported about all members of C.N.BLUE liking noonas (older females). This will make all the young fan girls, including myself, extremely sad!

The report:

The C.N.Blue members, who are sweeping the charts in less than 2 weeks of their debut, stated that they all prefer older women.

On 2nd February at 12pm, on Choi HwaJung’s Power Time radio, the DJ asked them if they are more attracted to older or younger women to find out their personal styles, and all the members replied, “older women.”

Lee JungShin stated, “People who are younger than m I think won’t be able to lead me, so I’m a bit scared about that.” Lee JongHyun replied, “Maybe it’s because all the women I have dated until now was older, I think my ideal girl is someone sophisticated that I lean on to.”

Kang MinHyuk said, “I like noonas because I have a sister and since I don’t have that much money, I like noonas that buys me yummy things.” The leader Jung YongHwa stated, “Actually I don’t really mind older or yonger women, but I will choose older women for our teamwork.”

For the “love at first sight” types, the CN Blue members choose a feminine style, but Jung YongHwa said that he preferred, “feminine, but still someone who I can feel the cuteness,” and Lee JungShin said, “feminine, but still having that made up mind.”

Also, on this radio show, CN Blue members sang the parody versions of the song ‘I’m a Loner’ winning a loud applause from the audience. In addition, the members chose Lee JongHyun as the most good looking and the man that seemed to have watched the most erotic films. Before the show, the members even took selcas and posted it up on the homepage and didn’t forget to prepare their signed CDs for their listeners.

Younger girls can be mature, feminine, cute, can buy good food and can be reliable too! But anyway, why do these boys want to lean on girls? I though it should be the other way round?

And, it is totally unbelievable that Jong Hyun is seen as the one who watches most R-rated films because he has such a good boy image and he is shy!

Whatever it is, i am sure C.N.BLUE won't turn down younger girls if they really like them. They are too busy to date right now, anyway :)

author: jovena
credits: cnbluemoonlight @ codeazzurro

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