#54: Random Updates, 9th Feb, Incl UFO,YH on Arirang,CNBlue Criticisms,FNC President Interview

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

C.N.BLUE replying fan messages!

Some of us might not know that, fans can leave messages for C.N.BLUE members on their site and this system is "UFO". And least we expect, that, they actually will reply to the messages! OMO :)
Yong hwa has been rather active with replying fan messages and Jong Hyun did too.
I will try to get translation:

jong hyun: i like this.

fan: __________
yong hwa: he he he he (loL! he so cute)

fan: saranghae
yong hwa: na du (me too)

Are we seeing the same fan getting replied for all the messages? Omo, so lucky!
I shall figure out how do we leave fan messages on their board! :)

credits: soompi

Yong Hwa on Arirang

Due to the sudden rise in popularity for C.N.BLUE, and especially Yong Hwa after You're Beautiful, Arirang did a special introduction about Yong Hwa and the following is the video on it. Thumbs up to Arirang because it's in English! :):)

credits: URMyMelody @ youtube

Yong Hwa's love?
On the episode of Strong Heart that will be shown today, 9th Feb, Yong Hwa talked about his "love at first sight" when he moved away from his hometown in Pusan to Seoul.

Yong Hwa stated,
"I didn't know anything about Seoul when I first came but while I was walking on the street I saw a girl and it was love at first sight."
"I thought I couldn't miss this chance so I asked her out on the spot"

Everyone was amazed at his surprising confession.

To Yong Hwa's surprise, the girl agreed to the date without any hesitation.

While on the date, Yong Hwa felt, "It was like I finally met my ideal."

However, in the end, he stated that after that day, he wasn't able to contact the girl. The reason was that after finding out the girl's identity, there was no other option but to separate from her.

What kind of identity could it be? What is such a big deal about her identity?
There are speculations on the net that, the girl is a trans (means that she was a guy who went under knife) and some other ridiculous speculations that the girl was Jong Hyun (!?).. lol

To know more, we shall wait for today's episode to be out!
In the meantime, we are actually sourcing for the eng subbed version of the Strong Heart episode airred last tuesday (2nd Feb) and we will work hard on finding today's episode where Yong Hwa will be telling his story!

credit: paperwings @ cnblue-sky

Many faces of Yong Hwa!

A fan of Yong Hwa collated different looks/sides of him and named each image a different name! I think it's rather cool how different a person can look with different hair style and clothes! Then, why do i look the same all the time!? :(


credits: bestiz, neptune_joker @ soompi

C.N.Blue Under Criticism of Shin Hae Chul

The news report,

Rocker Shin Hae-chul, well-known for his straightforward savage criticism against social and pop culture issues, spewed venom again ― this time against four-member band C.N.BLUE.

Shin added fuel to ongoing disputes involving allegations that the group's hit song "I'm a Loner'' off its debut album "Bluetory'' is a copy of an indie band's song.

The hit song has been accused of having "shocking similarities'' with an indie band Ynot's "Blue Bird.''

The fast rising group's song swept the music charts after it was released in mid-January. C.N.BLUE's agency FNC Music has denied the allegations.

On his Web site, Shin posted sarcastic comments that slam C.N.BLUE for alleged plagiarism, Saturday.

"If the song ("I'm a Loner'') is not plagiarism, plagiarism will disappear in the world,'' Shin said.

He also said C.N.BLUE is not entitled to be called a "band.''

"If C.N.BLUE is an indie band, a fly is a bird. If it's a real band, I will retire,'' he said.

His comments are igniting a fresh round of disputes not only over the plagiarism allegations but the appropriateness of Shin's remarks as well.

Internet users have posted lots of comments on his homepage and other Web sites.

The Ynot band members have threatened to file a complaint against C.N.BLUE if it does not make public its position about the plagiarism allegations.

Even though he might be a sunbae in the industry, why does he have to be so mean and opinionated about this. It isn't even his concern!

I bet C.N.Blue oppas would be very upset to read about this!

credits: korea times

FNC President, Han Seong Ho, giving statements about C.N.Blue in an interview

Pardon the really bad translation, the following was direct translation from google with some edits. We wil try to find the proper translation soon!

▲씨엔블루에 대한 관심이 뜨겁다. '아이돌 밴드' 혹은 '밴드 아이들'(Idol)의 개념이 생긴 것 같다.
=밴드음악도 멋있고 좋은데 대중적일 수 있다는 걸 보여주는데 씨엔블루의 가치가 있다. 물론 부족한 부분이 있다.

▲ Interest in C.N.Blue is hot. The concept of 'Idol band' seemed to be created.
=Band music is great. Good that it can be popular as well, and C.N.Blue can show that it is worthed something. But of course, there is still imperfections.

▲예를 들자면.
=항간에는 밴드가 타이틀 곡을 직접 쓰지 않는 걸 지적했다고 들었다. 아직 배우고 있는 단계다. 과정으로 생각해줬으면 좋겠다.

▲for example?
= The rumour that certain band has a similar song with the hit song. However, this is a learning phase that I hope to have in the process.

▲씨엔블루 얘기를 더 해보자. 대중적 성공을 거둘 거라 예상했나.
=이렇게 빠른 반응은 예상 못했다. 다음 앨범이 나올 때쯤이나 터질 거라 생각했다. 걱정도 된다.

▲ Lets talk more about C.N.Blue. Did you expect such a success?
= This quick response was as expected. I think the upcoming next album (??) ttaejjeumyina has burst. I am worried.

▲어떤 걱정인가.
=밴드음악에 대한 사람들의 기대치가 높다. 일본에서 인디밴드 활동을 한 것은 사실이다. 하지만 배우러 갔지 정식 활동을 펼친 것은 아니다. 기성 밴드의 잣대로 평가하기에는 부족한 부분이 많다.

▲ What is the worry?
= The people’s high expectations of band music. Japan is in fact one in the Indie activities. Pyeolchin activities, but does not formally go to learn. Not enough to evaluate the superiority of the older part of the band a lot.

▲인기의 중심에는 정용화가 있다.
=처음 봤을 때는 눈빛이 살아있었다. (이)홍기(FT아일랜드의 멤버)는 선천적인 보컬 능력을 타고났다. (정)용화는 후천적인 노력으로 만들어졌다. 악기 연습에 매달렸고 자신의 보컬을 연구했다. 므라즈의 <기크 인더 핑크>와 자신의 음색이 잘 어울린다는 걸 찾아낸 건 좋은 예다.

▲ Popular (??) Jong Yong Hwa
= First time I saw him, his eyes were alive. Hong Ki (FT Island Member) was born gifted with vocal abilities. Jung Yong Hwa was trained with effort into a great singer. (???) Yong Hwa’s voice goes well with “Geek In The Pink".

▲기대되는 멤버가 있다면
=씨엔블루는 보컬이 두 명이다. 농구로 치면 '트윈 센터'인 셈이다. 그래서 다양한 색깔의 음악을 소화할 수 있다. 이종현이라는 서브보컬이 다음 활동의 '키멤버'가 될 것으로 본다.

▲If the members are up to expectations (?)
= C.N.Blue both the vocalists, Basketball-wise, Twin Center, said people. I can play music in a variety of colors. The activities of the sub-yijonghyeon singers 'kimembeo' looks to be said. (???)

▲'인디 비하' 발언에 대해 사과했는데
=세상의 모든 인디 밴드 음악을 다 들을 수 있겠나. 그런 의미에서 처음 들었다는 얘기를 한 것인데, 그 말이 와전됐다. 잘잘못을 떠나 불쾌한 분들이 있다면 다시 한번 사과하겠다. 하지만 문제의 본질은 흐리지 않았으면 좋겠다.

▲ 'independent comparison, had apologized
= All of the world Can you hear the music, indie bands. I first heard about in the sense that one geotinde say that was misrepresentation. If you are right or wrong to leave those nasty I'll apologize again. The essence of the problem, but I hope heuriji.

▲국내 밴드음악의 미래는 있나.
=있다고 확신하다. 하지만 갈길은 멀다. 밴드는 각 음악시장의 주류다. 한국만 소외받고 있다. 평가가 엇갈렸지만 아이들 그룹과 밴드를 결합시킨 것은 FT아일랜드가 시작이었다. 씨엔블루를 통해 대중성은 더 넓어질 것이라고 본다. 밴드음악이 활성화된다면 난 대중음악이 다양화될 수 있다고 믿는다. 그 부분에서 미래를 찾고 있다.

▲ The future of Korea's band music.
= I’m convinced that there is a far way to go. The band's music market juryuda each. Hangukman has been marginalized. Idol group and the band group rating combines the FT Island was the start(?).C.N.Blue has a bright outlook towards their popularity. If possible, I believe that the pop music band can be varied. This is something worth looking forward to in the future.

credits: Hankooki

author: jovena

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